How do I know what type of skin I have?

If you want to find the perfect skincare routine for you, it is super important to be clear about your skin type. When you know this, you will be able to look for the ingredients and products that adapt perfectly and provide what you really need.

Are you a little lost and need help? We tell you how to identify your skin type and get the most out of it!

Skin type test

Many people, when you ask them about their skin, answer that they have normal skin , but all skin is!

In general, we can talk about four types of skin: oily, combination, dry and sensitive. Do you want to know which one is yours? Do the following exercise!

1st Wash your face

2º Let it dry and wait 30 minutes without applying any product

3º Observe and analyze your skin

  • Oily Skin: Shiny, oily and with visible pores
  • Combination Skin: Oily and dry areas, visible pores in some areas
  • Dry Skin: Tight, rough and with barely visible pores
  • Sensitive skin: With redness and irritations

Now that you know your skin type, it's time to discover everything about it and get the best results!

Oily skin

Main characteristics of oily skin

  • Bright 'T Zone': The famous T zone of the face is located on the forehead, nose and chin.
  • Dilated pores
  • Black spots
  • Oily sensation to the touch
  • acne breakouts

Causes of oily skin

  • Hormones
  • Bad nutrition
  • Climate
  • Genetics
  • Overcleaning
  • Poor selection of cosmetics
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Medication

Recommended ingredients for oily skin

Tea tree - Contains antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the face and prevents the appearance of acne.

AHA-BHA-PHA - They eliminate dead cells, regulate sebum, and improve the appearance of scars, close pores, improve skin tone and are powerful anti-wrinkles.

Vitamin C - Improves radiance, stimulates collagen production, strengthens the skin barrier and soothes. Additionally, it combats the imperfections left by pimples.

Niacinamide - Soothes redness, regulates oil production, improves the skin's barrier function. It is also depigmenting, anti-wrinkle antioxidant

Green tea - Eliminates acne, regulates sebum production and is an antioxidant to protect the skin from external factors.

Tips for oily skin routines

  1. Clean your face morning and night.
  2. Includes a toner with acids such as AHA, BHA or PHA that will perform a gentle daily exfoliation.
  3. Always remember to hydrate your skin. Opt for emulsions or creams with a light texture.
  4. Includes a serum with active ingredients that regulate excess sebum.
  5. Use oil free and non-comedogenic products.
  6. Exfoliate your skin once a week
  7. Include clay masks in your routine.

What should oily skin not do?

  1. Look for drying products
  2. Not moisturizing the skin
  3. Use any sunscreen
  4. Use very aggressive cleaners
  5. Use exfoliants in scrub/physical format

Mixed skin

Main characteristics of combination skin

  • Impurities and shine in the T zone
  • Drier cheeks
  • Dilated pores
  • Occasional pimples and pimples

Causes of combination skin

  • Climate
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress and anxiety

Recommended ingredients for combination skin

Niacinamide - Soothes redness, regulates oil production, improves the skin's barrier function, is a depigmentant and antioxidant, and reduces wrinkles.

Vitamin C - Improves radiance, stimulates collagen production, strengthens the skin barrier and soothes.

Salicylic Acid - Cleans and exfoliates pores, regulates sebum production, reduces blackheads, reduces inflammation of skin rashes and promotes antibacterial activity.

Hyaluronic acid - Treatment for wrinkles, sagging, loss of volume and elasticity.

Green tea - Eliminates acne and is an antioxidant to protect the skin from external factors.

Snail slime - Helps eliminate scars and acne marks, eliminates and prevents wrinkles, improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin and stimulates cell renewal.

Tips for combination skin routines

  1. Choose the right cleanser that removes oil without drying out your skin. For example, choose one with ingredients like green tea that balance the skin.
  2. Try multimasking and apply clay masks to oily areas.
  3. If you choose a serum with vitamin C it will calm the skin, while nourishing it.
  4. Choose sunscreens and creams in gel format
  5. Use oil-free and non-comedogenic products
  6. Exfoliate your skin once a week

What should combination skin not do?

  1. Wash your face with hot water.
  2. Moisturize only dry areas.
  3. Treat the entire face as oily.
  4. Cleanse the skin more than twice a day.
  5. Touch your face with your hands.

Dry Skin 

Main characteristics of dry skin

  • Peeling
  • Tightness
  • Itch

Causes of dry skin

  • Incorrect care
  • Sudden changes in weather
  • Genetics
  • Expose it to high temperatures

Recommended ingredients for dry skin

Ceramides - care for the skin by regenerating and restoring it to prevent aging and avoid dryness problems.

Hyaluronic acid - Treatment for wrinkles, hydration, sagging, loss of volume and elasticity.

Vitamin B, C, D and E - Prevent and reduce signs of aging and manage to retain moisture for much longer.

Aloe Vera - It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, moisturizing, soothing and anti-itch properties.

Collagen - Helps the skin stay hydrated and protected against external agents, reduces wrinkles and prevents signs of aging.

Tips for dry skin routines

  1. Apply mild cleansers
  2. Moisturizes immediately after cleansing
  3. Give yourself extra hydration with night masks at least once a week
  4. Carry a facial mist in your toiletry bag
  5. Includes an emulsion before the cream to reinforce hydration
  6. Bet on a cream with a high concentration of moisturizing active ingredients
  7. Use alcohol-free makeup
  8. In addition to hydrating, choose formulas that deeply nourish

What should dry skin not do?

  1. Take long hot showers
  2. Do not use sunscreen
  3. Do not moisturize immediately after cleansing
  4. Overclean

Sensitive skin

Main characteristics of sensitive skin

  • Peeling
  • Redness
  • Dryness
  • Burning sensation
  • Swelling

Causes of sensitive skin

  • Temperature changes
  • Pollution
  • Cosmetic additives
  • Detergents
  • Stress

Recommended ingredients for sensitive skin

Green Tea and Centella Asiatica - Helps calm redness and inflammation and has great antioxidant power to protect the skin from external agents.

Lactic acid - Perfect for removing dead cells from sensitive dermis, powerful cell renewal.

Propolis - Strengthens the skin's natural barrier and has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Aloe Vera - Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, softens and calms the skin.

Prebiotics and probiotics - Improve the skin's immune system and help strengthen the skin barrier

Tips for sensitive skin routines

  1. Apply toning discs to the most sensitive areas.
  2. Use calming masks with natural fabrics.
  3. Make sure your cleanser has a skin-friendly formula.
  4. Try creams and cosmetics with 100% natural ingredients and avoid those that contain alcohol or perfumes.
  5. Identify triggers.

What should sensitive skin not do?

  1. Using products that are too aggressive
  2. Apply peel-off masks
  3. Exfoliate the skin excessively
  4. Buy cosmetics without checking their formulation
  5. Use hot water
  6. Subjecting yourself to drastic changes in temperature

Now that you have all the information about your skin type, it will be much easier for you to achieve great results by taking advantage of all the benefits of your products. And if you still have questions, you can write to us and we will be happy to advise you!

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