Quality politics – Planet Skin
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The TRADEGATE Management wishes to achieve a Leadership position in the Sector of:
“management of import and distribution of cosmetic products”
assumes the commitment to comply with applicable client, legal and regulatory requirements, as well as other requirements that the organization subscribes to, both environmental protection and prevention of damage and deterioration of health, with direct collaboration with the AEMPS. and other European or international bodies.

TRADEGATE understands the management of Quality and cosmetic products, as a global management, attending to the external and internal aspects of the organization and attending to all interested parties, in their needs, expectations and communication with them.

TRADEGATE establishes the following commitments:
✓ Determine and provide the necessary resources to implement and maintain the Quality Management System and cosmetic products, using the Resources rationally and ensuring that they are effective.
✓ Offer quality services and products that meet customer, applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and other requirements that the organization subscribes to (related to the environment, health and safety hazards,) and that meet expectations of our clients.
✓ Comply with the requirements established in the Standard: UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and specific regulations for the import and marketing of cosmetic products, Regulation 2009/1223 and subsequent modifications to it, especially: R.2018/885 and 978 and Royal Decree 85/2018 of February 2018.
Meet the most demanding needs of our clients in the distribution of cosmetic products, from the point of view of product conservation, handling, use, application and health safety, at an appropriate cost and in accordance with optimal distribution planning and maintaining complete traceability of the process, with constant cosmetovigilance and informing the authorities of irregularities and serious unwanted effects and serious health risks or dangers to it.
✓ Our Management System must be aimed at satisfying the needs and expectations of Clients, but taking into account the prevention and reduction of Sanitary Impacts and health.
✓ Establish annually objectives and indicators for each of the activities, processes and sub-processes, which are measurable and consistent with the Quality and cosmetic products policy, and that said policy serves as a frame of reference for the planning of the different objectives and goals of the system.
✓ This management must be oriented towards risk management with the reduction, elimination and prevention of deficiencies in Quality and, most importantly, a commitment to continuous improvement of the system by satisfying the customer, legal and regulatory requirements applicable with the greater efficiency.
✓ The effects of the quality and health system of our processes are regularly recorded, evaluated and controlled.
✓ Communicate and make the Quality and cosmetic products policy understood by workers, all TRADEGATE staff, as well as all external interested parties that may affect them (customers, suppliers, subcontractors, local, regional, national administrations). and European, shareholders).
✓ Promote awareness among all interested parties, both internal and external, in aspects of health control of the products we import and market.
✓ Control the traceability of all processes, products and batches, to maintain cosmetovigilance in accordance with national and European standards and regulations.

This policy is documented, implemented and maintained through the Quality and cosmetic products, environment and health and safety manual and is periodically reviewed within the TRADEGATE Management Committee.