What are aha and bha acids ? How are they applied? For what type of skin are they recommended? From Planet, we bring you an informative post about the importance of acids and their differences. You want to know more?

What are acids in cosmetics?

It's time to get a little more technical! First of all, you need to know what an acid is.

When we talk about cosmetic acids, we are referring to substances that, when in contact with the skin, help its renewal. By stimulating this exfoliation of the horny layer of the skin (the outermost layer), collagen production is simultaneously enhanced. Bottom line: they are very beneficial! They improve aging marks, but also skin hydration and elasticity.

It is important to know that when we talk about exfoliation, we are referring to using a product to remove dead skin cells from the face. There are two types of exfoliation: mechanical and chemical. And it is in the second one that our friends , the aha and bha acids.

When we talk about chemical exfoliation we use chemical ingredients (pardon the redundancy) to break down lipids and eliminate dead cells. In this case, two types of acid are usually used : Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hyxo acids (BHA) . Do not panic! Do you want to know about them? Keep reading!

AHA ACID or alpha-hydroxy acids

Lactic acid, glycolic acid, vegetable enzymes...They are substances of natural origin, which come, for example, from fruits. Its main use in cosmetics is chemical exfoliation of the skin surface, as it accelerates cell renewal. It's perfect for treating wrinkles and sun-damaged skin! It also improves hyperpigmentation and provides luminosity and hydration.

These acids have a very very small size, so they penetrate and act better. Sometimes, their use can cause some peeling/irritation on the skin, since they accelerate the natural renewal of the skin. Don't worry! It usually lasts very little and as a benefit you will get much more flexible, smooth and luminous skin.

Tip: If you want to use products with AHA acid in your daytime beauty routine, you should include sun protection with SPF 50, such as UV MASTER WATERPROOF SUN STICK .

BHA ACIDS or beta-hydroxy acids

These acids are obtained from the bark and leaves of some plants, such as white willow or wintergreen. They are less irritable with the skin! They have anti-inflammatory properties and penetrate the pores, achieving a deep cleaning of blackheads and all the accumulated dirt. In addition, they regulate sebum production and, therefore, have antibacterial action.

If you have oily skin or suffer from sporadic acne breakouts, BHA acid will be your ally! They also provide hydration to the skin and are not as photosensitizing as AHAs, but we still recommend using sun protection daily.

For what type of skin are they recommended?

BHA AND AHA acids can be used on any skin type but there are certain recommendations.

AHA acids are recommended for sun-damaged skin and skin with wrinkles and expression lines. In these cases, the results will be faster, since being such small molecules they penetrate better and provide greater density of collagen and elastin.

BHA acids are ideal for acne-prone skin. These acids penetrate the skin, eliminating all types of dirt and impurities. The results will surprise you!

How to apply them?

Very easy! You just have to keep these two tips in mind.

  • Start from lowest to highest concentration, as your skin builds tolerance. This way you will avoid too much irritation and a feeling of tightness.

  • Apply them at night, after double cleansing. Although if you also want to include them in your daily routine, you should not forget sun protection.

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